
The Traffic Committee is a group of volunteer parents who work with the PAC and school to enhance and improve traffic safety around the school. The committee also works with the North Vancouver District to implement signage, increase visibility and promote safe driving and traffic patterns.

Traffic at drop off and pick up times can be extremely dangerous for young children. It’s extremely important that parents driving to school obey parking and no stopping regulations. Avoid backing up, u-turns and drive cautiously. By working together, we can all keep our kids safe on their way to and from school.

Please check out the Dorothy Lynas Traffic Safety Tips and Regulations

More useful info:

The Traffic Committee is currently vacant of volunteers. If interested please email  [email protected]

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* indicates required


École Dorothy Lynas School
4000 Inlet Crescent
North Vancouver, BC V7G 2R2

PAC Contact
General Email: [email protected]
Fun Food Days Email: [email protected]
*please use the fun food days email for scheduling pick ups only and not for order changes

School Contact Information

Main Office: 604-903-3430
Callback Line: 604-903-3435
Fax: 604-903-3431
Email: [email protected]