Every parent with a child at Dorothy Lynas is a member of the École Dorothy Lynas School Parent Advisory Council.
PAC represents the parent voice in an advisory capacity to the school. Our goal is to support our amazing school grow strong, independent, healthy and caring children as they move through their elementary school years.
- Enhance the educational opportunities for students by promoting a safe and positive learning environment.
- Act as a supporting body within the school community.
- Promote unity and understanding between staff, administration, students and parents.
- Raise funds for educational resources and activities.
- Advise the school board and the administration & staff of the school respecting any matter relating to the school.
- Advocate for the students’ educational needs.
The PAC Executive, which is elected at each AGM of each year, coordinates the talents of the many parent volunteers to achieve the maximum benefit for the students and the school. Some parents are involved primarily in fundraising activities while others are diligently occupied with ensuring that the funds raised are spent wisely on programs and needs within the school. Many parents volunteer their time to ensure the school is a safer, better and more enjoyable place. There is a place for everybody in the PAC and volunteer opportunities are available for all times, commitment levels and schedules!

Meetings are held on a regular basis, both in person and virtually, and all parents and teachers are welcome.
The PAC is a great demonstration of our caring as parents. We all seek to ensure that our children have the best education in a safe and caring environment. We want Dorothy Lynas to be the best it can possibly be.
You are encouraged to volunteer in whatever way you can.