Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee

The DL PAC EDI Committee exists to:

  • engage with the PAC Exec in an advisory role in the spirit of the collective “learning & growing” of our school community and outside school around EDI
  • establish a space on the PAC website for the sharing of information and resources to support the development of an equitable and inclusive PAC community that recognizes and values diversity.
  • Consider developing an initiative across the FOS engaging parents and students

Brene Brown on “Empathy” (2.5mins)

Next meeting:  TBA September 2024
Format: Via Zoom

The Committee welcomes more PAC members to join to offer ideas and insight and to coordinate initiatives.
Email emaildlpac@gmail.com and we will connect you with the committee chairs or feel free to connect through Konstella as well!


École Dorothy Lynas School
4000 Inlet Crescent
North Vancouver, BC V7G 2R2

PAC Contact
General Email: emaildlpac@gmail.com
Fun Food Days Email: dlpacfunfoodadm@gmail.com
*please use the fun food days email for scheduling pick ups only and not for order changes

School Contact Information

Main Office: 604-903-3430
Callback Line: 604-903-3435
Fax: 604-903-3431
Email: dorothylynas@sd44.ca